Thursday, December 17, 2009

Listening to- Meet Me On The Equinox- Death Cab For Cutie

I've been a huge Death Cab fan for a few years now, they are definitely one of my favorite bands. While I like this song a lot, I'm not really too keen on the video, I guess it's the whole Twilight thing that I don't like. Anyway enjoy the song!

Monday, December 7, 2009

I've Got Your Love to Keep Me Warm

Yay, we finally had some snow here today! So it's actually starting to feel like winter now, which means I have to start wearing warm outfits. Even thought I have lived in Canada my whole life and I love the winter, I have never really mastered the art of looking cute and stylish while staying warm. For some reason I always feel silly when I'm wearing a hat so I never wear one and my poor little ears freeze! But this year I bought myself a cute little hand knit hat(or toque as we Canucks call it. Is a hat called a toque in the U.S?) at a craft show and it actually looks really cute on (if I do say so myself!) so I'm actually excited about wearing it. Anyway here are some cold weather looks that I'll be taking inspiration from this winter. Oh and P.S. even though I'm not a hat person I'm really loving those fur hats!

Pictures Via StyleCliker, The Sartorialist and Style and the City

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Baby it's Cold Outside

It has been unseasonably warm where I live this year. So although it`s the beginning of December I haven`t really had to wear a winter coat yet. I know we`ve just been lucky and that the snow and cold will be here before we know it so I figured that I better start looking for a warm coat now before it`s too late.
So here is my list of some cute options I found online. I`m seriously considering getting the black one with the ruffles, I think it`s really cute, and $85 is a pretty reasonable price for something I`ll be wearing till March. Oh, but that red one from Anthropologie would definitely brighten up a grey winter, unfortunately I`m in no position to be forking over $375.






Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Today is my 24th birthday! So far I've eaten two cupcakes,a yummy chocolate bar, and waffles covered in syrup, now that's the breakfast of champions! Hey, I figure when it's your birthday you can eat whatever you want, calories don't count on your special day, right!? Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone!!

Pics found here, here, and here

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Feelin' Blue

How awesome is it that her headphones, nails, and shoes are all the exact same shade of bright blue?! Love it!

(photo via The Sartorialist)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Listening to: Shadow- Au Revoir Simone

I love Au Revoir Simone! I wonder if they would be interested in adding a fourth member to the group. I could play the tambourine or maybe the triangle!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Happy Halloween everyone!

Friday, October 30, 2009


The girl,the outfit... ADORABLE!

(photo via Stylesightings)

Sick Day

I'm having a sick day today, so I'm just lazing around in my PJ's and refusing to get out of bed. Why do I have to be sick on my day off? I had a list of things to do today and now non of them are going to get done. Oh well, I guess sometimes you just need a lazy day. Hope everyone has a great Friday!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Wish List- Anthropologie

I know that it maybe a little late to be doing a fall wish list seeing as we are already fully into fall, but I couldn't resist browsing through Anthropologie and picking out my favorite things. If money was no object I promise these items would be added to my cart in a heart beat. Oh and just a quick note to anyone who's feeling generous; my birthday is next month and any of these items would be much appreciated, especially that grey bag!

Friday, October 16, 2009


These pics from Teen Vogue have such a cozy, grungey, fall feel to them. They make me long for a cozy knited cardigan and the Doc Martens I had in the sixth grade.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Blue and Red

Here are some pretty pictures to brighten up everyones Monday! Enjoy!

pictures foundhere,here,here and here
*I can't remember where I found all the above pics so if one is yours let me know!

Friday, October 2, 2009


I just ordered the latest issue of Lula! Yay! I have never been able to find it at any bookstores in my area and I really wanted it. So I ordered it from here and I can't wait for it to arrive! Yay!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Time for a Change

Wow, I really suck at posting lately don't I! My bunny chewed through my computer cord just before my computer died so I have had limited access to the Internet over the last few weeks seeing as I can't recharge the battery.

Anyway enough with the excuses and on to the main purpose of this post. Hair! I had my hair cut about a month and a half ago, at the time I was pleased with the way it looked but now that it has started to grow out it doesn't look so great anymore. I don't know why but the ends look really messy and stick out every where. It doesn't matter what I do to try to make them lay flat, they just won't do what I want. This has made me really frustrated and has made me hate my hair.

I think that the only way to get my hair to stop flipping out at the ends is to get a large chunk of it trimmed off. Right now my hair is about shoulder length so cutting the ends off is going to make it pretty short. But that's okay. I just want to have a haircut that will look good when it's first cut and also as it's growing out. I have a style in mind that I like so now I just have to find a good hairdresser in my area that doesn't charge an outrages amount for a haircut. So if any one out there has any suggestions for a good place in the GTA, PLEASE let me know!

So here is a picture of the style that I want. What do you think? Doesn't Christina Ricci's hair look nice and shiny and healthy in this pic? If only my hair could look this good!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I must have this outfit! Look at those tights! I don't think you could ever be in a bad mood while wearing them. And that dress is so cute! This picture just makes me so happy!
garance dore

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


These pictures from Toast have got me excited for fall. I can't wait for the cool weather so I can start wearing my tights, scarfs and cozy sweaters again. Oh and boots too. Yay fall!